Monday, September 26, 2011

Accordion Book

The Accordion Book is ment to help teach students some of the Modernist Elements and Principles of Design. The photos shown is my teacher example. I have included two different compositions; one front and one back. Both of these compositions were created by using the same steps which are found under the photo examples. It is important for the student to learn to consider their entire composition and how they present their artwork.

Front Cover of Accordion Book

Back Cover of Accordion Book

Front of Accordion Book

Back of Accordion Book

Principles and Elements Panorama Abstract Art Book
(for information on constructing book, see Accordion Fold Books)

Materials:  Colored pencils, crayons, and/or markers
                 Glue Sticks
                 Magazine Cut-outs
                 Scraps of Paper

  • Choose a single shape. Draw and arrange three of these shapes to portray juxtaposition. Juxtaposition is when something is placed close together or side by side.

  • Choose another simple shape. Draw ten of these shapes varying the proportions, color, size, etc. This will create contrast and emphasis.

  • Pick out three (3) magazine cut-outs from the image pile at random.

  • Pick out five (5) text cut-outs from the text pile at random.

  • Experiment with the placement and interaction between text and image. After experimentation wit the placement, paste the cut-outs into place. Remember you can always layer the images!

  • Using a different art medium, add lines that will enhance movement.

  • Alter any image in your composition to appropriate its meaning.

  • Add an environment to your new altered image. Use texture, color, etc.

  • Consider the entire composition and add anything you feel is necessary to complete your artwork.  


  1. Postmodern principles: Juxtaposition, appropriation, text and image, and layering

    Skills/content: developing a composition with movement and using random cut outs and images to create meaning by adding to the composition.

    I like the use of random elements, but it may be challenging to create meaning out of things that don't relate. Perhaps allowing students to choose their own images and text would give them more freedom to develop a message in their composition. However if that was not the focus then the random elements work, and it is also playful. I also like the addition of an environment for the composition because it seems to bring the piece together. Your book is very interesting and I like that you have two compositions within it.

  2. Alana,

    The postmodern themes I recognize as most evident are mixing media, text and image, and juxtaposition. The skills that are most evident are craftsmanship, composition, and design. It seems that the social concern or theme of the book is that of self definition or identity, it may also be about defining art. I think you did a very nice job putting the book together as well as consideration into its concept and composition. I also think it was very smart to include imagery on both sides of the book. Nice job!


  3. Alana-
    I love the overall composition of the book, and feel that it mainly explores the technical exploration of the book making, or elements of design. I am interested in the idea of juxtaposition as a post modern principle, but wonder how it could be addressed better as a social issue. Perhaps in another example there could be an underlying theme of cultural juxtaposition, exploring differences between urban and rural living or something to that extent. As a student, I would greatly enjoy the use of collage with images and text as it takes the scariness of drawing out of the equation. Nice work
