Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Yet Another Accordion Book

Upon receiving feedback on my original accordion book example, I decided to modify it and come up with a new, hopefully, better product. Most of the feedback I received was to include more pages to truly let my theme and concept come to life and speak through the artwork. With my new accordion book, I decided that I was going to address an issue that has always stuck with me. I decided to work with social acceptance and identity. The goal was to emphasize the fact that media controls society and our everyday choices, values, norms, etc. while also keeping each character unidentified. The identity is unknown soley for the fact that media has shaped alot of people and therefore individuals wear a mask to fit into society, not allowing their true identity to be shown.
The first four images in my accordion book emphasize the portray of women created by 'societial norms' Image one is a character based on Jessica Rabbit, the sex symbol from the movie 'Who Framed Rodger Rabbit' This emphasizes that sex sells and that the ideal woman be volumptious and 'Barbie' like. The second image is of a larger woman, wearing nothing but a bra and underwear. There are dotted lines covering her body to imply plastic surgery and the extremes women will encounter to feel beautiful and to have a beauty acceptable to society. The third image is of the rebellious female covered in tattoos. Although tattoos are being accepted more so today than ever before, women who have them are still negatively judged. The fourth image is a silhouette of a pregnant lady, emphasizing the housewife and motherly role women have always played. 
The back of the accordion book only has two images which are of men. I did half of the images for men than I did for women because I feel that society and the media puts more pressure on women than they do men. The first image is of a body builder. This is to portray that society expects men to be strong and able to protect not only themselves but their family and loved ones. The second image is of a business man. I portrayed him to be a white AND blue collar figure. White collar by being in a business suit and blue collar due to the fact that his suit is all blue, hence a literal reading of blue collar. This portrays the social status and the pressure to be able to provide for their families.
Below are the images from the newe accordion book.
Hope you enjoy it! :)
Front Cover

First 4 images

Last 2 images

Back Cover


  1. I really like your accordion book. It has very strong messages and I got all of that by just looking at it without reading your artist statement.

  2. Thank you Jen! I appreciate it :)
